Financial Report: Year/End 2019

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2020 ETA Annual Meeting Program

Message from ETA Treasurer, Ralph Hiltz

Financially 2019 was a good year. On the plus side revenues exceeded expenses by 93k.

Major reason for that were donations toward the fund drive to “Blazing the Trail South” and receiving a $20,000 donation from Maine Marathon 2019. You will see those under the revenue category called “Donations” and “Blazing the Trail South”.

Our major fundraiser every year called “Maine Lighthouse Ride” had a revenue shortfall of 39k but was partially offset by lower expenses of 15k. Reason for that was ridership which is budgeted for 1,200 riders only had 750 riders due to Hurricane Dorian.

Overall financially, 2019 was a good year and the cause of that was excellent effort by our staff and our volunteers.

Click here to view the Year/End 2019 budget (in PDF format)