The Eastern Trail is a scenic 65 +- mile signed bike route that starts at the Piscataqua River in Kittery (at the New Hampshire border) and ends in South Portland, Maine. It is part of U.S. Bike Route One – go here for a map of the full USBR1 in Maine.
Along this route you will find many treasures: historical landmarks, breathtaking vistas, recreation spots, and great places to eat. Our routes and maps are marked and geo-tagged with various points of interest—allowing users to better plan their bicycle rides and cycling trips.
Today, the Eastern Trail has a growing span of off-road sections. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the trail between Arundel and South Portland is on off-road sections. Off-road sections are not paved – this is a multi-use trail for the use and enjoyment of walkers, cyclists, equestrians, birders and many others.
While these off road segments are being built and connected, a separate on-road bicycle route has been established.
Our best map is our Eastern Trail Guide, which includes both completed off-road sections and also the on-road trail. The current version of this comprehensive 25-page booklet outlines each segment of our extensive on- and off-road trail network. You can download a copy to view and even print, or you can order a nice color printed and bound booklet (details below). Thanks so much to Biddeford Savings Bank for their financial support to get the latest version of this Trail Guide Update printed.
DOWNLOAD A TRAIL GUIDE. The current version of Eastern Trail Guide can be downloaded here (booklet cover image shown to left).
BUY A TRAIL GUIDE. The print version of the same current Guide – in glossy color printed on hard stock with wire binding – can be purchased for $17 plus $3 each shipping and handling. Click here to order.
A 2020 update of our One-Page Map/Brochure is now available. Thanks to Biddeford Savings Bank, over 10,000 brochures have been were printed and distributed. Click here to see this brochure, or click on the images below:
Other Eastern Trail Map Information and Resources:
- There are mileage marker signs along the trail (only the completed off-road trail sections), every quarter mile. Go here to access a map showing quarter-mile locations.
- Important Notice about Bikes on Amtrak (Dec. 2020 update) – The Amtrak Downeaster has expanded its carry-on bike program and is now accepting bicycles from all Downeaster stations in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. You might get more current information from Amtrak and from the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.
Other Maps of the Eastern Trail:
Maine Trail Finder:
Mobile-Optimized Maps: We are have trail maps that use GPX files compatible with 3G mobile phones and Garmin® GPS devices – click here to see that information.