2020 ETA Annual Meeting Program
2019 Annual Meeting Notes
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Vinegar Hill Music Theatre
80+ attendees
6:30PM – Deb Erickson-Irons begins with opening remarks, entertains motion to approve minutes from 2018 annual meeting. Motion passes, no one opposed.
Ralph Hiltz discusses financials. Ralph explains that Close-the-Gap money is the reason for extra money not budgeted. Money came in, and went out directly to Scarborough. Ralph opens up the floor to questions; there are none.
Deb asks for a motion to accept the financial report. Motion passes, no one opposed.
Jim Bucar nominated Bob Bowker as president, Jessica Rice as vice president, Tim Lambert as secretary, and Ralph Hiltz as treasurer. Motion passes unanimously.
A new board member, Tom McCullum of South Berwick is nominated. Deb provides a brief biography on Tom. Tom’s nomination passes unanimously.
A motion to close the business portion of the meeting passes unanimously. Business meeting ends at 6:40 PM.