ETMD Executive Director Message

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2020 ETA Annual Meeting Program

Carole BrushA message from the ETMD Executive Director, Carole Brush                        

It seems like only yesterday that I connected with the Eastern Trail Alliance and Management District. It’s hard to believe it’s been twelve years.  Time truly does fly when you’re having fun!   

For the first time in 20 years we have three projects underway to add more miles to this wonderful resource – all in different stages of development at the same time. We are “Closing the Gap” (CTG) between South Portland and Scarborough and actively moving forward as we head “Over the River” (OTR) to connect Saco and Biddeford and through the woods “Blazing the Trail South” (BTTS) to continue our path south from Kennebunk through Wells, North & South Berwick.

None of this would have been possible without the vision, dedication and energy of our founder, John Andrews, and the support of each and every one of you.  I am constantly awed and inspired by all the truly wonderful people I continue to meet who are so committed to our mission of completing this beautiful resource.  I hope you will join me as we turn these 22 off-road miles into 44 and then 65!

It won’t happen overnight, but when these sections are constructed, we will have 80% of the off-road trail completed and “pave” or “unpave” the way to complete the final miles taking us to the New Hampshire border.

The existing sections of off-road trail were constructed with Federal, State and Municipal funds. As the demand for trails increased, and the federal and state $ decreased, we recognized that “It will take a village”— or, more likely, several cooperating and coordinated villages— to add more miles.

Thank you – I am honored to be part of this amazing vision – continuing to add more miles and smiles as we Blaze the Trail South!