Included a slide show covering Vision, Successes, and Challenges
And an Eastern Trail Experts Panel:
Eastern Trail Founder, President Emeritus John Andrews
Eastern Trail Alliance President Bob Hamblen, Saco Planner
Eastern Trail Management District President Tad Redway, Arundel Planner
Why was this meeting held in North Berwick, a town that has not supported the ET for ten years? Last year, Kennebunk and Wells asked Maine DOT to fund a final design, ready-to-bid, package for the ET from the end of the off-road section in Kennebunk all the way south as far as their towns allow. That would have meant ending at Perry Oliver Road in Wells. MDOT’s informal response has been that the ET must provide connectivity between major locations. In other words, if the design and construction does not extend all the way to Pratt-Whitney in North Berwick, the project is not fundable.
Some possible outcomes from the meeting:
- Convince NB to return to ET support.
- Convince MDOT that because NB will never support the ET, that another non-NB option must be accepted.
- End the off-road ET in Kennebunk.
Click here to read a news article about this meeting (3/19, Foster’s Online). Click here to read another news article about this meeting (Kennebunk Post). Click here to view a video of the meeting.
Click here to view a document that described route options through North Berwick, and includes color maps(this is a large pdf file, it may take some time to download).
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