We recently got an email from a trail enthusiast in our neighbor state, telling about efforts to build the New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway (NHSG), NH’s segment of the East Coast Greenway (and which connects to the Eastern Trail at the ME/NH border). Read his message below:
“We recently set up a Facebook page for the
New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway (NHSG), NH’s segment of the East Coast Greenway, and are working to build following. Would you be willing to add a welcome to Facebook post on the Alliance FB page to let your members know about what is happening on the other side of Memorial Bridge?”
“The State of NH already owns the southernmost 4.5 miles of the Eastern RR corridor (locally called the Hampton Branch) from the MA border to Hampton. NHDOT is in negotiations with Pan Am to buy the remaining 9.7 miles from Hampton to Portsmouth. CMAQ funds have been set aside for the purchase and installation of an aggregate/stone dust trail on the 9.7 miles. We’re currently working in the corridor communities to establish local volunteer organizations that will work with the municipalities on trail management, negotiating a trail management agreement with NHDOT, and working with UNH Engineering Dept on a conceptual design study for the trail through the Hampton Marsh.”
“Thanks for any help you can provide, and for your work on the ET!”
“Cheers, Scott (Bogle)”
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