Press Release
CONTACT: (207) 284-9260
April 25, 2012 (Wells, Maine) – The Eastern Trail Alliance, an organization committed to the creation of a trail spanning from Kittery to South Portland, will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 17, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Old Marsh Country Club in Wells, Maine.
The meeting will feature Eric Weis, trail coordinator for the East Coast Greenway Alliance, a post he has held since 1998. In this capacity, Weis oversees the organization’s trail program, directly staffing the New England and South Atlantic regions. He also manages the organization’s wayfinding program (maps, cue sheets, GPS, etc.) and helps shape the route and route policy. Weis is also the founder and director of the New England Bike-Walk Summit and creator/director of the New England Builders Ball, an annual celebration of small regional hand-built bicycle companies.
The Annual Meeting of the ETA is an opportunity for members of the community to meet our speaker and the officers and trustees of the ETA and the Eastern Trail Management District, and to learn more about the mission of the ETA while enjoying snacks and beverages at America’s greenest railroad station. Following the meeting, all attendees are invited to join us for a no-host optional dinner at a nearby restaurant.
When completed, the Eastern Trail will connect the Piscataqua River in Kittery with Bug Light on Casco Bay in South Portland with a mostly off-road greenway. The Eastern Trail follows the route of the historic Eastern Railroad, the first rail line connecting Boston and the Portland area. It extends through 12 communities in York and Cumberland counties. The Eastern Trail is the Southern Maine portion of the 2,900 mile East Coast Greenway, which stretches from Key West, Florida to Calais, Maine
The Alliance welcomes opportunities to tell groups about its dream. To schedule a no-cost Eastern Trail slide show, send an e-mail to or call the ETA’s office at 284-9260. For more information about the Eastern Trail check
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