By Marianne Goodine, Treasurer, Eastern Trail Management District
[Note: This article appeared in the Late Fall 2013 Newsletter. The full newsletter can be viewed in this pdf document]
With the Eastern Trail making its way southward, a very energetic group of trail enthusiasts has been meeting monthly in Wells to collaborate on ways to continue the trail. This group represents the Southern Eastern Trail Alliance (SETA) and consists of representatives from Wells, North Berwick, York, Kittery, and South Berwick.
The group is focused on ideas for fundraising and getting more exposure for the trail. During the summer of 2013 we set up an informational booth at local events such as the Kittery Block Party, Senior Expo in Kennebunk, Wells HarborFest , and the Millfield Festival in North Berwick. We are currently seeking interested individuals to become members of the Eastern Trail Alliance.
The 20+ miles of completed trail has been used by countless numbers of walkers, hikers, bikers, equestrians and proves to be a very safe route for its users and a valuable asset to each community that it passes through. So far the greatest obstacle of the trail was building the bridge over the turnpike in Kennebunk. Many said it wouldn’t happen and yet it did.
The Towns of Kennebunk and Wells recently applied for a Transportation Enhancement grant through the Maine Department of Transportation for the design and engineering phase of the trail. Unfortunately, because of State budget cuts, the application was denied, creating another road block in our efforts to continue the trail south. This setback has made it all the more important for us to seek other alternatives for funding, which the SETA group is currently investigating.
I and many other citizens of southern York County communities strongly support efforts to bring the trail south. It is a tremendous asset and a safe route for all to enjoy whether you’re walking, biking, running, jogging, or just enjoying a morning, afternoon or evening stroll. Every dollar spent will give back so much more. Let’s all put on our thinking caps and find ways to continue the trail southward to the New Hampshire boarder, including sources of alternative funding for trail development.
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