[Note: This article appeared in the Spring 2014 Newsletter. The full newsletter can be viewed in this pdf document]
By John Andrews
Do any of you remember the old waste water pipe bridge over the Dunstan River that meanders through the marsh? I’m sure you remember its replacement, the Eastern Trail Bridge that carries trail traffic while supporting both that pipe and the Granite State Gas Pipeline. I doesn’t seem possible, but ten years have already passed since the May 19, 2004 groundbreaking ceremony took place a few weeks after the accompanying photo was taken.
We’ve made unbelievable progress since 2004, enough to prove the “Lenny Ruthazer Principle,” named after a wise engineering manager from my past life. Lenny asserted that “You will always overestimate what you can accomplish in a year and very much under estimate what you can accomplish in ten.”
Lenny, I wish you could know how right you were! As we of the ETA consider the future of the Eastern Trail, we will do well to keep hearing his words.
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