Volunteers Needed!
If there’s one thing that’s been constant since I attended my first Eastern Trail Alliance meeting, it’s been the M&Ms. Oh, no I guess that’s not true – there was quite a lapse for a time, now that I think about it. Fortunately, however, volunteers have not lapsed, and a couple of handfuls of these energetic, inspired folks continue to work at making the ET what it is and what it will become. Tom Daley, Maggie Warren, Mac Sexton, Larry Glantz –when the ETA Vol Hall of Fame is called to order, these are but a few of the many who will be in attendance. And I’ll bet, if asked, every one of them would agree that the experience was an enriching one. “We volunteered, we spent time with equally motivated people with common interests, we achieved, we made things happen.”
All that and more.
So, dear readers, may we ask that you take that to heart and ask “not what the ETA can do for you, but what you can do for the ETA.” Most, if not all, non-profit organizations must rely on volunteers, and we’ve got some wonderful opportunities for those who’d like to meet others in southern Maine who like to walk, to bike, who like trails, who like meeting people who like to walk and bike and use trails…and so on:
Trip Leaders: Lead an outing along the Eastern Trail. Pick dates and times that are convenient for you. It’s a great way to meet other supporters of the ET! Lead a walk, bike ride, cross-country ski, snow shoe or bird/wildlife exploration along either on-road or off-road sections from South Portland to Kittery. Full moon walks have become favorite outings, departing from Southern Maine Medical Center in Biddeford, and the Pine Point Road parking lot at the Scarborough Marsh. I’ve always wondered how a new moon walk would go…
Exhibit Hosts: ETA is invited to host a table and tell our story at countless local events, from universities to businesses to health fairs, and many more. ETA has a small group of experienced volunteers, but still we are unable to respond to many such requests and opportunities. To learn more about how easy and how much FUN this can be, volunteer to help out at one of ETA’s planned exhibits .
Volunteer Coordinator: All new volunteers who step in to help ETA, need a “veteran” to stay in touch with them, to provide information about how ETA tries to set and accomplish its goals, to connect them with trustees, fellow volunteers or office staff. Born to Sell? We have a very popular product – it’s about 21 miles long today, and will be about 60 miles long when complete! — that we’d like you to sell to local businesses and foundations or to seek out sponsors for the Eastern Trail and for the Maine Lighthouse Ride. We’ll provide printed material, facts and the how’s and why’s and when’s of the ET’s history, its future, and how partnering with the ETA can be a winner for all involved.
For more information, call Carole Brush at the ETA office in Biddeford at 207-284-9260, or send e – mail to ETA@EasternTrail.Org. We’d love to have your help!
President Bob Hamblen
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