Monday May 19, 2014 marks ten years since ground was broken for construction of the Scarborough Marsh section of the Eastern Trail. The project was managed under the direction of the 12-town Eastern Trail Management District in partnership with many organizations including the Town of Scarborough. That section has generated amazing public support for the Eastern Trail.
Could anyone with their groundbreaking shovels in hand have imagined what would be accomplished in the following ten years?
Congratulations and many thanks to the hundreds, and thousands who believed in and supported the Eastern Trail vision and have worked so hard to continue building the first 21 miles of our off-road trail. Since that historic day, we have truly demonstrated that “if you build it, they will come.”
Several Eastern Trail leaders, and visionaries, who led the efforts to get this project designed, funded, and off the ground, gathered on the Scarborough Marsh bridge on May 19 to mark the 10th anniversary (all photos by Jim Bucar):
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