Annual Appeal – Please Support the Eastern Trail with a Tax-Deductible Year-End Donation

Dear Friend of the Eastern Trail,

Over two decades ago, our visionary founder John Andrews and a small group of dreamers set out to create a long-distance walking and biking trail through southern Maine. Thanks to their dedication and collaboration with municipalities and local supporters that dream was transformed into the Eastern Trail we cherish today.

Every step and cycle we take along the trail is a testament to what we can achieve together.

Because of supporters like you, this year the Eastern Trail weathered the most severe and unseasonable damage it has ever sustained. Your generosity made it possible for our team to maintain and repair the trail, partnering with local municipalities as needed, ensuring safety and accessibility for all. Thank you for helping the trail thrive despite new challenges. Your participation restored community events like the Maine Lighthouse Ride and the John Andrews Memorial 5K to their pre-pandemic glory, connecting communities and inspiring a love for the outdoors, active transportation, and overall well-being. Thank you for helping the Eastern Trail Alliance foster a spirit of connection amongst families, outdoor enthusiasts, and local businesses.

Please make a tax-deductible donation now

Our work together is far from over. The Eastern Trail is on the brink of tremendous growth. Over the next two years, the trail will be the site of three exciting new construction projects: 1.6 miles of new trail in Scarborough-South Portland, 2.7 miles of new trail in Kennebunk-Wells-North Berwick, and a new connector trail for school children in Saco.

The steadfast support of trail users like you has guided us to this incredible moment. Recently awarded federal grants provide a unique opportunity to expand the Eastern Trail. To access federal funds, we must secure up to 20% in local funds to match. We need to raise $500,000 in local funds alone to construct 2.7 miles of new trail and access those federal funds. Half of that amount is due shortly. Please join us in making this possible. Your support is the key to unlocking federal funding. Your year-end contribution will help us meet these matching requirements and empower us to confidently pursue other transformative trail-expanding projects as further opportunities arise.

You are the dreamer the Eastern Trail needs today. Dream big with us about the future of the Eastern Trail, and please consider making a donation before the year ends. Every contribution counts in our efforts to secure the trail’s future.

Please Donate NowTogether, we can continue improving the Eastern Trail and enriching the lives of all who use it.

With immense gratitude,

Chelsey Berlin
Executive Director
Eastern Trail Alliance